Saturday, September 24, 2011

Being Numbed For The First Time In The Dentist Office?

396545381 I'm 19 and my entire life I have always refused numbing and just dealt with whatever fillings I needed and took an aleve after. To understand it would take too long for me to explain pretty much I don't like any part of my body feeling numb or not there. So what can I expect? Does the needle hurt? Where do they put it in at? And how long will I be numb?


  1. Iza Pando - My dentist pokes me in the back of the mouth. If I open my mouth its inbetween the row of teeth in the back. Its not painful at all! I heard a pop everytime thats it. Pain is not there but afyerward the jaw just feels sore.

  2. Annie♥ - My dentist puts numbing gel, or uses a gas before he gives me a shot. It doesn't hurt. You just feel slight pressure, but since I'm deathly afraid of needles, I SEARCH for the pain.. Ahhh i hate being numbed, but its honestly not bad at all. dont worry.

  3. bewildered - It will not feel like it;s not there. It will feel like it is really huge all of a sudden. Kinda funny really. And when you smile, the part of your mouth that was numbed wont move until it wears off. How long it takes to wear off depends on how much of the painkiller they had to give you. So, that all depends on what procedure your having done. The shots dont hurt that bad. I've had paper cuts a heck of a lot worse. Most dentists have a thing they put on your gums first, so that the shot wont hurt. I personally have never had to have this though, as my doctor was very good at giving the shots. The shots are in the gums, and if they have to go deeper they will let this numbing effect work a little while and then ease their way deeper so as not to cause discomfort. Dont worry, even when I had to have shots in the mouth at 5 and 6 years old, it was never reason to worry me.

  4. David - Wow, no numbing in the past? The needle will not hurt you, then.

    If you have to get a shot in your mouth to numb the fillings, it depends where the fillings are. The needle does not hurt; yes it is uncomfortable but it's not the type of pain you'll want to dig your nails into your arm and have random flashbacks.

    For fillings, I usually got the shot under my lip where the gums are near my cheek. Somewhere in that area. Weird pink pastey tasting stuff is often times rubbed in there before you get the shot.

    It feels like a pinch and you might feel the needle go in a little bit. After 3-4 seconds, the dentist will take it out and that's that. You got your shot and the dentist will leave (to work on someone else) and while he/she's gone, the numbing solution will spread and he'll begin in no time.

  5. PrettyCoolGuy - My dentist puts a shot of novacane where my upper and lower jaw join. The numbness usually lasts 4-5 hours for some odd reason though the numbness last longer in my left jaw. I've even had two shots on the right and one on the left and the left lasts longer. You probably won't get any pain from the shot afterward unless you get two. But unlike most shots this one doesn't hurt too bad initially though there's a little zing when it's first inserted. Just make sure not to bite your tongue or lip.
