Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Had My Wisdom Teeth And Have A Couple Questions?

396545381 I had all 4 pulled last Friday morning, I'm on my fifth day. I believe yesterday somehow my blood clot on my lower left molar fell out because i had a lot of bleeding. But that night a new blood clot formed before I went to bed so I felt fine. I woke up on the fifth morning and the blood clot on that area shrunk to a smaller clot. I still felt fine. I went to go eat soft pancakes at IHOP because I had a very small dinner the night before. Right after I ate, i looked in the mirror and the clot wasn't visible. I was scared because I thought it fell out when i was swallowing. But i think that the clot leveled out with the surface of the hole. I do not have pain and there is barley any blood when i let my saliva drool out of my mouth. Do you think that there is still a blood clot? Or is it gone and forming a new one?

There is barley any pain but there is discomfort. ALSO, I am drinking iced coffee, is this fine if i drink it? I do not want to mess anything up.

all the other molars seem to have clotted and healed a lot but its just that one on the lower left corner that hasn't seemed to heal as fast as the others yet.


  1. Helmut - A good dentist should have stitched them closed with a thread that slowly disolves over the period of a few days as the openings heal.

  2. Ben B. - I had problems in the same spot if you dont have any pain you should be fine iced coffee should be fine it's just stuff like chips you shouldn't eat if you start having pain call the dentist he will prob give you norco or lower tab

  3. CDA1 - It has been long enough for you not to worry about your clots anymore. They do not always suture, as it is not needed often times. In fact they do not sutures more often then they do. As the socket heals it fills with tissue. You are fine by now to not worry AT ALL about dry sockets. Stop looking in rinse after every meal and you will heal fine. Don't worry about what it looks like so much. You feel fine you said. Still stay away from hard things that could jab at it. But there should be no bleeding issues at this stage. If there were a problem with the clotting you would have been in extreme pain as dry socket is more painful than any toothache you could imagine. You are far past the stage of that happening. You are on the mend.
