Saturday, September 24, 2011

Instant Sugar Crashes?

396545384 I've been having a sleeping disorder lately where I feel sleepy 24/7 but I've just come to realize that this is actually only when I intake any sugar. Today I skipped breakfast and just had some water, felt normal, couple hours later I had a few Starburst candies and my eyes felt heavy and baggy like I was sleepy, I took a nap, woke up, felt normal until I ate something with sugar and once again felt sleepy. Problem was, when I lay down I can't fall asleep because my mind's constantly thinking. Melatonin only makes me feel more sleepy, but I still can't relax my thoughts. This has been going on for a while now, at first I thought it was an eye problem.

got a doctor's appointment monday, but he's a pill pusher and I think this might be diabetes.


  1. syl c. - If you feel sleepy after eating, particularly after sweets or bakery products, you are normal. Eating sugary foods causes your brain to make large amounts of the neurotransmitter, serotonin, that makes people fall asleep naturally at night.

    Eating sugary foods or those made from flour, such as bakery products or pastas, causes blood sugar to rise higher than normal. This causes your pancreas to release large amounts of insulin, which drives one of the protein building blocks called tryptophan from your bloodstream into your brain, where it is converted to serotonin that makes you feel sleepy.

    Many people can avoid feeling sleepy after eating by restricting foods that are high in sugar and flour. When it is important for you to be alert, eat foods that do not cause a high rise in blood sugar, such as vegetable salads, nuts, seeds, fish or chicken.

    Hope this helps.

  2. princess - Well first off, have you actually tested your blood sugar when you feel sleepy? How long does it take for you to feel sleepy? Personally what happened to me was that, my body produces way too much insulin after i eat something like a cookie, causes my blood sugar to drop and for me to get all of the lovely symptoms that go along with that. I'm sure you're doctor will have you go for a glucose tolerance test to rule out diabetes. However, don't freak out it could be something as simple as not having a balanced diet.
