Saturday, September 24, 2011

Is My Poor Diet Making My Face Look Aged?

396545382 I'm just 18, I am very pale naturally and have purple and blue circles under my eyes I have to conceal daily with expensive concealer.
I know those are from being very pale and being allergic to everything, I get enough sleep too.

But I have not been eating healthy for months, no fruits and veggies (I am very allergic to all raw fruit and vegetables) I just got my blood drawn to get food tested (I get allergy shots weekly but they haven't done anything about the food allergies) Thankfully Monday I will get results and they'll tell me if I need to go on supplements for fruit and vegetables or whatever.

But I was wondering if a poor diet can make a person look aged? I have noticed light wrinkles under my eyes if I smile, they're there more than ever, and I have bags kind of, I don't like how I've been looking for months now..
I wasn't sure if fruits and vegetables changed your facial appearance for the worst if you don't eat them, all I can eat are canned fruits (Which is know is unhealthy) and some cooked veggies.

I am also vegetarian, I eat eggs and milk though and all that, and when I got my blood drawn a few months ago all my protein and iron levels and stuff like that were good.

Do you think supplements could make me look normal again? :/

1 comment:

  1. Mike Harris - It sounds like something is taking the elasticity out of your skin. Are you moisturizing? Are you drinking enough non caffeinated liquids?
