Friday, September 23, 2011

How Do I Take Insulin Without The Help Of A Doctor?



  1. Shilpa Seth - Since you are diabetic, the doctor must have surely prescribed some pills. Now these pills must work with the body's insulin to be effective. Eventually, if you make too little insulin for the pills to work, you'll need to start taking extra insulin to help control your blood sugar. But before you start taking it is best to have some facts cleared out.
    - Many people with type 2 diabetes need to take insulin at some point
    - Taking insulin isn't a sign of failure; it's the appropriate action you need to take to address your body's changing needs.
    - You need to take insulin if you can't achieve your blood sugar targets without it.
    It is both normal and smart to consider the thought of starting with insulin by yourself. If you have questions, it's important to get them answered right away. I usually refer to doctors from They are more like an online hospital or what you may call as place to get second opinion for your health issues. With experts & specialists on their panel, you can be rest assured of their credibility. Take a look whenever you have time.

  2. Kay H - Taking insulin is serious business. Taking too much at the wrong times can be deadly. You need to see a doctor and a diabetic educator. I take 3-4 insulin injections a day. Trust me on this one. Good luck.
