Friday, September 23, 2011

I Just Got 4 Teeth Extracted And I'm All Out Of Gauze So I'm Using Napkins Instead?

396545381 is this an okay alternative to gauze. I'm still applying pressure because I'm bleeding a lot! Thanks.
****I'm using paper towels, sorry******


  1. ℒazzy's ℋorse - oh paper towel, don't use that... use tissue instead.
    you can also purchase gauze pads in the health
    department of stores if you want.

  2. hygenius - Call your oral surgeon!!.. didn't they give you extra gauze? if they did, fold it into a small square and bite constantly for 20mins., then change out for a new one if you need. are all extraction sites bleeding? did you get stitches?
    you should have clean qauze, but if not, open new roll paper towels, tear off one sheet, fold into tight small square and bite on it.
    If you are bleeding excessively, or large clots are coming out, you need to see the oral surgeon. Some bleeding is normal - usually biting constantly on gauze/paper towell for 20mins will slow it down --- apply direct pressure.
    Sometimes it looks like a lot of blood, because saliva is mixed with it - more watery than thick blood.
    do not do any strenuous activity, that may raise the blood pressure and start the bleeding again.
