Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What Are The Downsides Of Eating 100 Gr Of Chocolate Every Day?

396545382 It's inside my normal calorie intake (1800 calories) and chocolate has never given me spots. Any other possible downsides?


  1. Josha - Wanting 200gr of chocolate... :p

  2. dimmond spark - can i just say if you do this make sure you eat really healthy meals through the day. but you get to much sugar fat and shit. and you will put on weight

  3. live4luv - getting overweight. trust me, kid, you wont realise how lucky you are to be thin until your the next 200kg 14yo (nah jks i weigh 61kgs & im 11)

  4. EddySays - Regular chocolates contain saturated fats.
    Dark chocolate of 70% or more is a great antioxidant source.
