Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Do I Have Low B12 Because Of Thease Symptoms.?

396545384 My arms have been getting very weak and i cant lift anything anymore. I exercise allot and im losing strength rapidly. Also i find i lose weight hear and there some days i weigh less than others. I have a hard time concentrating when ever i exercise or am in school now. Theres some days where no matter what i eat or drink 2 secounds later i have to use the bath room. Also my arms have this weak numness feeling in them i sometimes feel it in my legs too.


  1. Sabby_C - Sounds red blood cell, hemoglobin, thyroid or possibly nuerological realated. See a doctor immediately.

  2. micksmixxx - Unfortunately, my friend, you can't tell if you're lacking in a specific vitamin based on symptoms alone. You need to have a blood test to ascertain whether this is the case.
