Monday, November 7, 2011

Can I Still Have Kids Now I Have Diabetes?

396545384 I was diagnosed with type one diabetes in january, im controlling it well, i believe im still in the honey moon period though. 16 now, would one day like kids (not for a few years!) and wonder if this will still be possible? im female.....


  1. THE Cupid HATER - You need to discuss this with your doctors!

  2. Jordan - It may be a bit difficult. Here's an article with details.

  3. Kirsty Jones - Yes you will still be able to have children, you will just have to be closely monitored by your doctor or midwife.

  4. Daria - Being T1 myself since 12, I have been told by a few different doctors that it is more difficult to conceive as a diabetic. I have been trying for a very long time to get pregnant. I'm 33 now and I have conceived once that ended with a miscarriage in my 4th month. Yes, pregnancy is possible, but please be sure to stay on track with the diabetes. Control has to be very tight. I'm glad that you're putting it off for a while, but keep your body in the habit of being healthy. Best of luck to you now and when you decide to start a family! :)

  5. Melissa - I do still believe you can still have kids, whatsoever God give can't noman take away.

  6. Nana Lamb - Absolutely you can, honey!! You will need to locate an Ob/Gyn who is also an Endo to help you with any future pregnancy. Type 1 are considered high risk so must have very good glucose control before they get pregnant then maintain that during the pregnancy. You must find this doctor before you even consider getting pregnant!!

    Lots of people do successfully have very pleasant pregnancies and raise very healthy children and are type 1 diabetics.

    Yes, this is not one of those silly questions some ask, and you need to be thinking of your future from now on. Much good luck to you!

  7. Tabea - I am Type 1 and currently 29 weeks pregnant.

    There is no reason why a Type 1 diabetic cannot have a safe, successful pregnancy. But it's hard work.

    The most important thing is that you have to keep your blood sugars under very tight control. The closer to normal the better, but no higher than 6.5% HBA1C. This is because high blood sugars harm the baby and make the pregnancy high risk.

    You have to have good blood sugars for 6 months prior to conceiving.

    You also need to be on a monster dose of folic acid, 12.5 times the size of the dose given to non-diabetic women. This is a simple matter of popping a small prescription pill a day.
