Sunday, September 25, 2011

So It's The 2nd Day Since I Got 4 Teeth Extracted..?

396545381 I feel much more comfortable because the pain has reduced now significantly. I feel no pain. :) Anyway, my mom is going to Taco Bell and I was wondering if it'd be okay to eat normal foods now? I'd get like crunchy tacos with a soda.....


& when can I expect the blood clot to heal?
:) I'm SO hungry


  1. ℒazzy's ℋorse - well I don't think you're going to want anything crunchy
    just yet...why not just get a soft wrap ? you might make
    your extraction area bleed or your gums with the taco
    so be careful !
    blood clot can heal 3-5+ days after. mine healed in 3.

  2. Anna E - I don't think that is a good idea. Number one if you get some food debris in the extraction sites and try to get it out, you might remove a clot. The same way with the soda, especially if you use a straw.
