Sunday, September 25, 2011

Any Tips On How To Lose 50 Pounds?

396545382 So my girlfriend and I are making a bet. We are both kind of chubby (to put it lightly) and our bet is to see who can get down to 85 pounds first before the end of the school year (I weigh 135, I think my girlfriend's 133). If I win, she has to teach me how to style hair. If she wins, I have to teach her how to box.

We each have our own plan (and the bet hasn't started yet), but we just want some extra tips. Any advice? Please don't suggest diet pills. We decided that would be cheating.

Thanks! And, um, if it makes any difference, my girlfriend and I are 17.
Matt - So is 135/133 for us. 85 lbs is better. And how would throwing up help?
Wait, doesn't protein make you gain weight?
If height really needs to be known, I am 5'3" and my girlfriend is 5'4".


  1. AP - The usual. Diet and exercise.

  2. Matt - Then throw up after you eat and 85 lbs is so unhealthy and nasty.

  3. onionmaster - Stop eating snacks while sitting for hours. Go outsde. Do outdoor activities. Drink lots of water eat protein

  4. the guy your mom warned about - Cardio for a hours, avoid fast food and foods which have higher amount of carbs.

  5. Double 2X Rainbow - READ THIS!

    85 pounds at 17 depending how tall you are and if your 5 feet or 4.5 feet do not go down to 85 pounds because that is EXTREMELY unhealthy unless like i said your short then 4.75 ft maybe abit lower other then that then NO

  6. Sarah - actually being fatter is better than being extremely underweight.... at least make ur goal weight 110 that will be hard enough
