Friday, September 23, 2011

Little Spot On My Tooth, May Be Cavity, Does The Needle Hurt?

396545381 Hey,
Just like most teenagers out there, I have a little phobia of needles, and yesterday I saw in my mouth a very tiny speckle on one of my fissured teeth.
I tried to scrub it off, but it's apparent it's either a stain or a cavity. If it's a cavity, I most likely will need a needle.
This is more a psychological question than a dental one. Has anyone had cavities filled and has the needle hurt? I'm a little freaked, as my appointment is today.

1 comment:

  1. Dent - If it is a cavity and being such a small cavity, the dentist can fill that cavity without giving you a shot and you won't feel anything.

    If there is no cavity just a deep fissure, ask the dentist to do sealant on your tooth to seal the fissure so you don't have to worry about cavity at that area.

    Either way you shouldn't feel any pain. But if you don't take action; anything can happen in the future.
