Sunday, September 25, 2011

L Need Help, L Have A Pimple Like Bump Just Below My Virginal Opening And Its Really Sow, What Could This Be.?

396545389 its really painful when l when l touch it, l don't even know what it is and um getting scared.
also l was having my periods last week and l finished about 3 days ago but um still having drops of blood coming out what could this mean, please help me somebody


  1. Chrissy - Where is your virginal opening?

  2. Jim - It could be an ingrown hair or a boil. The spotting could be anything . Not knowing your age or other facts it is really hard to say. The best place to start is a doctor if you are worried. good luck

  3. Annalise Bland - Sorry we can't examine you over the internet. your best bet would be to go to the gyno. or if your young then tell your mom

  4. Chris B - You are "spotting." If it doesn't go away over the next couple of days make an appointment. to see your doctor. The bump you feel may simply be an inflamed pimple and needs to be taken out. Use a warm compress to soften it up and then use slight pressure on it to release what's in there. Be sure you put enough pressure on it so that only blood comes out in the end. Keep the area scrupulously clean.
