Friday, September 23, 2011

Allergic To Fruit And Vegetables?

396545383 I'm a vegetarian!!!
I've developed food allergies as I got older. When I was little I'd always eat fruits, I loved them. Vegetables too. But now that I'm older (I'm 18, on allergy shots, singulair and clariton 24/7 for allergies) this has been for about three years. Since I was like 12 I got super itchy from eating any kind of raw fruit and veggie.
The worst: Celery, melons, grapes, avacado, banana, strawberries, oranges. They make my lips swell, throat and stomach itch and sometimes give me hives on my chest. My allergy doctor can't figure out why I'm so allergic.
Apples make me very nauseous, also I've found out that soy makes me nauseous too, I tried soy milk and got all itchy in my throat and hives, and soy beans make me sick but I love them.

I don't know what to do I feel so unhealthy. Some days are so bad I can't even eat any kind of nut, or even salad. I have this sore in my mouth from two weeks ago and it hasn't gone away and it itches so bad (I ate guacamole 2 weeks ago)
Even chocolate makes me sick. I try to eat a small square of dark chocolate a day because I heard it's good to eat a small amount daily but that makes me nauseous, even milk chocolate.

I feel terrible the only fruits I can basically eat are ones in a fruit cup packed with artificial syrup and sugar. I do eat some vegetables though since my allergies aren't as bad at all when they're cooked.

I don't know what to do. Do I need a blood test for them to see what the heck's going on with food allergies? I'm scared I'll never have an answer.
A vegetarian that's allergic to fruit, soy, and vegetables is mind blowing


  1. Why hello, people! - If you are vegetarian and allergic to most vegetables, you are going to have to eat meat, no matter how sorry you feel for the animals. Sorry, that's just the way it is. It's not unnatural to eat meat, we're animals after all. :)

    Try to find a fruit/vegetable you're not allergic to and find out what's in that vegetable/fruit. You can see what you are going to be able to eat, and then just eat tablets that have the minerals you can't eat any other way. And again, definitely eat meat. You don't have to to survive, but since you're allergic to so much, it's recommended.

  2. allotmentgolfer - I'm a vegetarian too, and a very fussy one...

    You may have oral allergy syndrome, that's linked to hay fever and means you are unable to eat raw fruit (apples are the main culprit) but can eat cooked as the proteins you react to are destroyed by the cooking process.

    Another condition could be hereditary angioedema, ask your allergy doctor about this.

    Perhaps you need to see a dietitian, who may be able to advise you on what other food to try for a balanced diet.

    Another thing to consider is taking vitamin supplements to ensure you are getting adequate amounts to keep you healthy until you can get your diet more balanced. I've heard of cases where people tried a vegetarian diet but became unwell, so they returned to meat and felt much better again. My theory is that their diet may not have been balanced correctly, but I have no way of verifying this!

  3. pennypincher - You say you are getting allergy shots, are these an antihistamine or are they desensitization shots? I hope you are getting desensitization shots. I used to be allergic to nearly all raw fruits and vegetables. Even getting the juice on my skin made me break out in a rash. What you have is called oral allergy syndrome and it is linked to pollen allergies. I went to an allergist and had desensitization shots. After being on the shots for five years for my pollen allergies, my allergy to raw fruits and vegetables went away! Now I can actually eat salad and even watermelon.
