Thursday, November 10, 2011

Smoking: Is This Okay Or Dangerous?

396545116 Hiya
We all know smoking is awful etc
Just a question: will 2 cigarettes a day about 4 days a week cause any severe damage?
Or is cancer etc only if you smoke non stop 20 a day?



  2. Jason Taylor - Any amount of cigarette smoke is bad for you. The more you smoke, the worse it gets. Anyone can get cancer from smoking. There have been cases where people died from one puff of smoke.But it is your body. Do as you please.

  3. Elli - It will cause damage, even if you smoke a few a week

  4. Anil - hmm let say it does not cause any severe damage but it will put u in the risk of having lung cancer in the long run!

  5. LONG WALKS ON SHORT BRIDGES - That's nearly a half pack a week, which is a fair amount. If you do this every week, you could be in trouble. And thing about cigarettes is that they ARE addictive. If you keep up with a half pack a week, in no more than a month you'll be up to a pack a week, then two, and so on. It sucks to be honest, I hate that I smoke and ever started, I strongly discourage you from even half a pack a week. See if you can smoke only two or three a week and you'll probably be in the safe zone of not getting addicted, but you will still notice a difference in your breathing and heart rate if you exercise with even that little amount. A good thing to do is not buy your own, and only smoke em' if someone else has got em'.

  6. Neil - The big problem with cancer is, that it's a craps-shoot, every cigarette can be the decisive hit to the replication-center of a cell, which is the cancer-trigger, so every cigarette can be the one that gives you cancer.

  7. Sarah - It sounds like you'd really like to hear someone say, 'no, you're fine. Carry on smoking as much as you want'. It's not true that one puff can kill you - unless you have a asthma attack when no one's around, or you're trying so hard to light it you don't notice a rampaging elephant, otherwise that's a load of rubbish. And long term second hand smoke is actually more dangerous, anyway and if my grandmother was still alive she could tell you that - it's what killed her!

    No guilt tripping (I used to smoke - I know how enjoyable it is), but if you're going to take your health seriously, don't smoke at all. Easier said than done, but you know it's not good for you - hopefully one day you won't smoke at all. Either way, you'll only give up when you want to and the more people nag you, the longer that's going to take, so don't invite the nagging, eh? Lol. Good luck.

  8. olddog - At that level of consumption you are unlikely to suffer any ill effects at all. The health risks of smoking, although real, are grossly exaggerated.

  9. Matt - Hi MadNatter,

    The real answer to this question is no, an average of 1 cigarette a day will not really cause much damage to your body, but i'll explain in a minute why the amount you smoke isn't always directly associated to the incidence of disease.

    The lungs and their risk of disease is not only affected by smoke, they are affected by radiation, pollution, genetics and general health - smoking is only one of those things.\

    People think about smoking incorrectly - there are many more diseases associated with smoking than cancer, heart disease and stroke are a couple of examples. Many people think that smoking is somehow guaranteed to kill you, when in reality, it isn't as simple as that - Some people never smoke in their lives, yet they die of lung diseases such as Emphysema and Lung cancer - the truth is, there is no guarantee that if you smoke 20 a day that smoking will kill you - it's all about chance. Smoking is a bit like playing russian roulette with your body, and the more pollution or smoke that you take in, the more bullets are in your virtual gun.

    However, if you give up smoking, within about 6 months of stopping, there is no trace of smoking left in your body - so, of course, it's beneficial to give up smoking - but it doesn't guarantee anything at all.

    Hope that made sense and cleared things up a bit.

  10. jackie m - I guarantee you that there is no way you can stick to smoking 2 cigs a day 4 times per week as the addictive weed takes over you within a few days and you cant live without it and those days you are not smoking them you will be climbing the walls and 2 per day will soon go up to 10 and then 20 a day. As for your question there is no guarantee you will or will not get cancer by smoking and my dad smoked for around 60 years before he got cancer and died, I have an aunt who is 96 years old and smoked since she was a teenager and she does not have cancer, I am also an addicted smoker and have been for 20 years and as yet I do not have cancer, Good luck

  11. Mayank Singh gaur - its depends on body immune system because above 85 % cancer found in non smokers. But smoking is dangerous its just like a motor bike exhaust on the mouth.

  12. VoiceofCommonSense™ - Try 20 to 30 a day for 27 years then get back to me.
    My grandparents are 91 and 86 and have been smoking for over 65 years, with no signs of quitting. They are healthier then most non smokers in their 50's.
    It's all about genetics.
