Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I Have This Raised Red Spot On My Bikini And Im Afraid...?

396545389 That it could be something like a STD. Its visible in the mirror, its nowhere near the opening of my vag.

I almost wonder if its just a bad razor bump, because its the size of my pinky nail. maybe even smaller.

Its round with a small dot in the middle.

And when i feel around it its hard under the skin. And when i put a hot rag on it for a little bit, the swelling goes down. What could it be?


  1. Reivax - sounds like in growing hair, where bacteria, dirt ,excess oil is causing problems, actually it may be a boil, it should go away.Does it hurt cause when i had something like that on my forehead it hurt alot.

  2. Parniann - Sounds like an acne Down there that could be from the way of your shaving . try Some Acne solutions gel Or lotion on it , Once I had one of those On mine too And Used clean And clear 6 hours Acne solution gel on that & It went away after 2 days And It totally vanished after 4-5 Days !
