Monday, November 7, 2011

Hiit Or Jogging? 10 Points?

396545382 should i do like 50m hill sprint 1 min rest then repeat 20 times
should i do 4 miles of jogging
remember the aim to to just get rid of the little bit of belly fat i can see top 4 abs but wanna see bottom 2 aswell, but i also want to maintain or improve my sprinting speed 10 points for best answer


  1. treesasquatch - do the sprints
    -i find sprint more suitable for getting some nice abs
    -I've been a long distant runner and i really don't get that much results

  2. Kylie - You should do both and mix it up to work at different levels and strengths and so you don't get bored. Do jogging every second day and hill sprints every other day. Or something like that change it around and keep yourself interested

  3. Amos - I would stick to HIIT because it burns more calories fat in long term. Ever heard of after burn training? After working out, ur metabolism is at its high peak for 48 hours. Also it burns more fat than traditional jogging. I would say 1 minute of walkIng 4.5km/hour and then sprint at about 14-15km for 30 seconds. Then repeat this until u reach 20mins total. It keeps ur heart rate up and its so much easier doing this than running for 1hour because u get sick of it after awhile.

    And people pay 190 dollars just to hear the word and explaination of "HIIT"

  4. Bob - You actually have 8 abdominal muscles. As for you wanting to get rid of your 'little bit of belly fat', I find this ridiculous-It is totally normal to have some belly fat. Sit-ups are a good exercise though, you don't need to jog for miles. You may never see your bottom 2 abs though - which is normal.
