Thursday, September 22, 2011

What Are The Chances Of Me Getting Cancer Someday?

396545116 I know the question's a little morbid, but I'm just curious. I'm female (obviously) and according to some research, women are much more susceptible to cancer than men. Also, I'm going to be stuck in the Philippines for the next four years (studying where I want was too expensive, even with scholarships) in an area where there's a bunch of smokers (both cigarettes AND marijuana), loads of smoke-belching vehicles, and lots of, and I mean LOTS of dirt. Even at home, there's people smoking (cigarettes) practically everyday. I've tried telling them to stop, and even tried moving away from the area where they do it, but I still smell it. Don't even try saying "I should move" or whatever else close to it because I HAVE to be here.

Anyway, the last time I was here, I developed asthma. So now my question is (I repeat), what are the chances of me getting cancer someday if I'm going to be constantly exposed to secondhand smoke and other respiratory-problem-causing factors as stated in the previous paragraph? Just out of curiosity.


  1. kiwi_mum1966 - Probably about 1 out of 2.

  2. Poehlerbear - With all of those things in mind, it can vary. Do you have a family history of it? If you are on any type of birth control, that will heighten your risk even more! Just take care of yourself as best as you can, and there is nothing you can really do about the enviorment anyway!

  3. ChemoAngel - I know A TON Of men who have and Had Cancer. Including my Father, Who had Breast Cancer, My Grandfather, who had Stomach Cancer, My Great Grandfather who had Lung Cancer, My Uncle, Lung Cancer, the list goes on and on and on.
    Some people never develop cancer in their life time. My grandmother is 98 and her sister is 99. Both their parents died from Cancer but they are still alive and well. Nobody can determine if you will get cancer or not. Other respiratory problems is another story...COPD, Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, Pneumonia, or Asthma....but don't have the mind set that you are going to develop cancer....Because some people never do. My grandfather used to smoke around my grandmother for 50 years! Never once did she ever develop lung problems. So please stop worrying about Cancer, and God that college sounds HORRIBLE.

  4. Bubbie - Same chances as anyone.
    Increased chances from stress over drama. Nothing mentioned increases the chances.
