Saturday, September 24, 2011

So I Don't Want To Eat Anymore.?

396545382 Realizing that the only guys who can get girls are the ones with a built body, i've decided to minimize my ratting and go to the gym everyday. Food lately makes me nauseas. My body makes me sick. And I'm sick of girls never giving me the time of day. When i seefood i subconciously remind myself that im repulsive. I'm 19, 225lbs and just disgusted. Please help. I don't know what to do and may end up not ratting all together.


  1. Mystic - First off, to get a bulky body you need food and lots of it, you just have to get a nutritionist to tell you what food groups to mix.

    Second, girls do not only want a built body, how superficial are you? Have you ever stopped and think it might be your personality thats turning them off and not your body?

  2. icen - ya there are alot of big guys who aint fit who have hot ass girlfriends that i wish i had.
    here are things you can eat without worrying about.
    fish, chicken, eggs, yogurt, apple sauce, cereal like mini wheats, wheat bread, pbj, low fat cheese, and toast with jelly, ham or chicken sandwiches.

    THE main thing is your exercise program.
    if you want to lose weight aim for higher reps. 8-12 is for gaining mass so around 12-15 for weight loss.

    these are exercises i do
    incline bench press
    flat bench press
    push ups
    chin ups not a must but when you get up to it
    military press.

    3 sets of each exersice and you want only like a 45 or 1min break so you break down all that fat and make your muscles exhausted. dont workout for more than 45 min or your muscles will break down, they eat itself because there is no energy left to eat so they have to find something.

    tuesday break, wednesday workout, thursday break, friday workout, weekend rest or cardio. you need your muscles to heal if you dont they cant build itself back up to get bigger. look up compound exercises to do for wed, and friday. dont spend money on pills just workout

  3. ? - Sweetie, you are right, most girls like guys with a built body, but you need to eat! A lot! and workout A lot! go to the gym 6 times a week if you have the time, most gyms give you a couple free personal training sessions, so they will be able to teach you the right technics to working out and getting a built body. So do not, not eat! eat foods filled with protein!! A personal trainer or nutritionist will be able to tell you exactly what foods to eat or you can just google it. ALSO, im sure its not your personality that is turning girls off so don't listen to mystic, its not superficial to think that, its reality.I hope you can get the body you want with diet and exercise so you can be happy and confident!
