Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Eat All The Time Its Ridiculous!?

396545382 i have an eating disorder but its not because i dont eat enough. its because i eat TOO much. from the time i wake up, to the time i go to sleep im always eating something. i eat when i dont feel good or am sad about something. alot of the time i eat just because im bored and it tastes good. im short. 5'1 and 200lbs. im trying to lose weight so be at a healthy weight like 140 or 130. i just need help to stop eating so much because its so hard to restrict myself. any tips? it would also be very helpful if anyone could be a "buddy" and support me during the process. thanks in advance!


  1. Kristina - Eat mor filling foods like potatoes and meats. Breakfast should be an orange, a bowl of cereal, milk, orange juice. Lunch is a sandwich etc.

  2. Electricman - Eat snacks that aren't high in calories like popcorn (The low calorie ones, not movie theater type) which was something I would eat a lot trying to lose weight and drink diet soda if you can or mix crystal light(flavoring) with water. I would recommend counting calories because I didn't have to eat veggies and exercise all the time as long as I kept in the range of 1500-1700 calories everyday. I know meat sandwiches are good for meals which is low-calorie. I would also try to chew gum too.
