Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hcg Diet Drops Question?

396545382 I'm about to buy the drops. I've done some research, and know it would work well but i have some questions.

Instead of following the strict diet plan, would I lose weight if I followed the calorie maximum of 500/day and only ate allowed foods?
I excersize often. I have a serving job that requires me to be constantly moving, and I practice yoga regularily. Will the HCG diet provide me with enough energy to work efficiently?

And lastly, what should I expect after the diet is finished? Is there an after-plan or a guide I can follow to prevent weight gain?

1 comment:

  1. daddyrx - Save your money. Plain and simple, the HCG diet program is a SCAM. It's a 30X homeopathic product. That 30X means there is one part of HCG in 1 x 10^30 parts of water. Yes, that's a 1 with 30 zeros after it. Some products are as dilute as 60X, a 1 with 60 zeros after it.

    You lose weight because of an anorexic diet, you're limited to 500 calories a day. THAT'S how you lose the weight, not by taking drops of water mixed into a glass of water or under your tongue.

    Just so you know 10^30 drops of water equate to over 16 TRILLION cubic miles of water. In all those cubic miles of water, there would be just 1 drop of HCG. You have less than a 1 in 10MILLION chance of your 1 or 2oz bottle containing just 1 molecule of HCG.
