Sunday, September 25, 2011

Does Is Sound Like I Have Diabetes?

396545384 Hi I am 14 and am worried for the past two weeks I have been extremely tired no matter how much sleep I have, I have also been extremely thirsty and can't seem to quench my thirst no matter how much I drink, I feel sick If I eat but seem to be more hungry than usual I also have been needing to urinate a lot more than usual I have also had blurred vision which lasts for a minute or so and also I get cramps in my stomach and get achy limbs

Please help I don't know what to do:/


  1. Gemma - go doctors
    This site isnt exactly a reliable sourse of information :P

  2. Tabea - Nobody can diagnose you over the Internet. If you are worried about diabetes, the only way to find out is to have your blood sugar checked. This can be done at many pharmacies. It's free and you get the results on the spot.

  3. Ann - You have enough symptoms that you need to see a doctor or other health professional about what is going on. Waiting too long, if it were diabetes for example, could cause damage to your kidneys or cause your blood to be acidic (known as diabetic ketoacidosis or DKA).

    Talk to your parents about how you've been feeling and ask to see your pediatrician as soon as possible. They will do a simple urine test and blood sugar check right in the office to rule out or confirm diabetes.

    I can't diagnose you with anything, but I will answer your question based on my opinion. Yes, it sounds like diabetes or some kind of problem with blood sugar levels that needs to be looked at by a Doctor.
