Sunday, September 25, 2011

Does The Cervical Cancer Jab Hurt?

396545116 I'm in year 8 and i'm 12, i know that we have three jabs but i really hate needles!! is there anything i can do to make it stop hurting?? :( i'm really scared can someone give me some advice or tell me what it's like please?? thanks :) xxx


  1. 203 - It will be no where near as bad as cervical cancer, you wont feel a thing in comparison.

    Does anyone like needles and getting injections?

    Grit yer teeth and bear it

  2. Disply Name - No they dont hurt, I had my three ones a few years ago. But I did nearly pass out after my first one, so don't stand up to fast. Apart from that there fine.

  3. Anon - if you don't want it to hurt relax your arm as much as possible when it goes in, and it only hurts for a fraction of a second, just dont look at the needle and you'll be fine. The nurses usually talk to you and say something to distract you so you dont notice it anyway :-) oh and you might get a bit of a dead arm for a few hours after but thats just normal x

  4. Helene S - its a needle dear so you will feel the pinprick, but its so tiny a needle its easy peasy lemon squeezy.
    if you are very nervous ask a friend to be your buddy during the jab and keep you busy
    ask your teacher to let you go first that way you won't have to hear the others stupid horror stories which will make you anxious.

    keep the high drama out of it and its over in secs, all this stupid squealing some girls do like pigs stuck in a wheel is really pathetic and don't impress the boys, don't go there. Be dignified and brave.

    if your parents allow, take a paracetomol before your jab so its not so painful
    Good Luck.

  5. onlytryingtohelp - look the other way and basically grow up. Lasts a second.

    whining about injections is for toddlers. If you get cervical cancer you'll get lots of injections and lots of painful medical treatment.

  6. jackie m - Not as painful or life threatening as cervical cancer.
