Saturday, August 20, 2011

I Have Red Itchy Bumps On My Legs A Day After Drinking Some Beer, Could I Be Allergic?

396545383 First time I've ever drank was last Friday (about 4 days ago) and I had two beers. It was Pabst Blue Ribbon. According to my research the ingredients are corn syrup, water, malt, yeast, and some hops. Only enough to add taste.

After one day, I didn't feel any different and I knew what my limit was. 2 beers gets me tipsy and I wouldn't want to go any further and act like a jack***.

On Sunday, I drank again this time the same; 2 beers but this time it was Keystone Light. The next morning (this morning) I had what seemed little mosquito bites. I didn't think much of them because I had been walking around with my friends late at night and there were some in the house when we went inside to sleep.

However around 9 o'clock at night I had about fifty red itchy bumps on one foot, about twenty on the other. As the night is progressing (it's about 5 in the morning now) I'm getting a bit more of them. There's about three on my back and some on my thighs and about seven all together on my arms.

I read people can be allergic to hops but I just need to make sure. Another question, in case anyone knows! Are hops in anything else besides beer?

I'm not 21, I'm 16 and I'm terrified that I could be allergic because I'd have to tell my Mom. I know, I know, I should not have drank alcohol but I'm young and honestly, that's my only excuse. I'm a good kid honest to whomever! I should have been more responsible because now I'm the one screwed over with feet that I want to chop off:(

1 comment:

  1. Mellissa-anne - It does sound like an allergic reaction, were you outside or in a surrounding with something you might already have a reaction to? If not then it probable is an allergic reaction to the beer. Could be a certain kind of beer too. I know I have reactions to certain kinds of beer. Take an allergy medicine and it should take care of it. You can buy them at any drugstore w/o a prescription, in Canada...not sure where you are. And don't worry about the 16 thing, there are plenty of things worse than drinking 2 beer :)
