Also hav u got any tips
Thanks for any suggestions
it's not as bad as people make out they r so don't worry too much.
Here's what happen at the orthodontist:
1) they will go through how they r goin to put ur braes on
2) they will try out different sized molar bands to find the right size( this sort of hurts but not much)
3) they will polish ur teeth
4) they will glue the molar Bands on ur molars ( worst bit)
5) they will condition ir teeth leave for a few mins then wipe it of
6) they glue the brackets on
7) they will let u choose a colour(s) and then they will tell u about the wire
8) thy will fit the wire with the colours
(BRING SOME STRONG SQUASH WITH YOU cause the glue is nasty)
(all this takes 30 mins)
After that they will tell u wat u can and can't eat and how to look after them
Take paracetamol 1hr after getting them on so it sets in at the right time unless ur in a lot of pain then hav it wen u get back from the ortho
I would eat things like soup noodles ice cream yoghurts hot dogs mashed potato and stuff that is soft
Above is for Cali as I cannot email u
cali - Hey, don't worry getting braces tightned isn't all that bad. It does hurt, I'm not gonna lie. The best thing to do is just to try and get your mind off of it by thinking about something else. It does seem like it'd be hard to do that but the pain somehow seems to be less if you focas your thoughts otherwise. It'll be over before you know it.
ReplyDeleteFor colour, I'd say either light blue or lightpink & light blue together.
I hope I helped, and I've never had braces before^ this is only what i've gotten from the internet and from my dentist saying stuff.. if you don't mind email me at i get braces tomorrow, and yea:$
Cali Treva-
Savannah - Its not too bad. I've had my braces tightened and I took Ibproufen 30 minutes before my appointment so I wouldn't deal with the pain. I suggest u do the same