Thursday, August 25, 2011

Little Skin Thing On Breast??? Please Help!!!?

396545116 okay it just showed up yesterday or at least i discovered it yesterday, but i dont know what it is. its like a skin tag but its not. its smaller and its not below my breast but along the brown part. i know its a skin like thing because it moves around and it doesnt hurt. and at the tip is black, first i thought it was a scab but it wasnt, it was part of the skin thing. please help, im scared it might be breast cancer. i dont have any of the symptom of that so i dont really think it is, but i dont know what it is!! so if you have any idea please help!!
thank you in advance!!


  1. Tator's mommy - It does sound like a skin tag and some of those do get darker heads on them. I have had breast cancer and I have never heard of any breast cancer like you described. Breast cancer is generally on the inside of the breast not the outside. You can have it removed easy enough.But I wouldn't worry unless it changes color or grows.But to really relieve your mind call your physician and ask the nurse. Best of luck!

  2. Tarkarri - skin things are just skin things no matter which skin they appear on.

    If you are concerned, see a dr.

    It sounds nothing like breast cancer which occurs deep in the breast tissue.

  3. ChemoAngel - I have had the same thing for years. It is just a skin tag, don't mess with it, and leave it alone. It is NOT Breast Cancer, and is very common in this area.
