Monday, August 29, 2011

Why Is My Husband Having Chest Pains?

396545385 He is 29 and his BMI is 30. His blood pressure is very high. He says his chest is feeling tight. Is there anything I can do for him, other than urging him to go to a doctor?


  1. Chuck Norris - quit, standing on his cheat :P

    go to a doctor, random people on the internet can not help

  2. PG - take him to the emergency unit immediately

  3. firery_moods - well sounds like a heart attack is just right around the corner. those are signs that one is coming up in probably withing a few days. you may have to force him. sorry if i'm scaring you but seriously do whatever it takes to get him to the doctor. those are signs that one is coming.

  4. schwalmy - If he doesnt want to go he must have a death wish.

  5. Jim 06460389 - 2 choices 1) Call 911 in the states or your emergency number in your country and get him the medical help he needs or 2) ignore this and he'll die ...I Cannot diagnose him from the internet and you can't do anything to help him besides get him emergency help, once he is seen by a cardiac specialist who can control his "very high blood pressure" which is the key to an aortic dissection , when his aorta rips open and he bleeds to death in minutes...IF You live 10 minutes away from a WORLD Class Cardiac hospital, when his heart tears open , IF You recognize and get the paramedics there he might survive.. I did... and my Doctors (11 of them) call me a 1%er because that's how many survive what happened to me, I have met ONE other person, he was a South African Pro Rugby Player. he was forced to retire and he also did some modeling ( being a sports guy) he is the only other person in this world who went through what I went through and survived .. OH yeah in 4 days he might be dead already

  6. emgee79 - Call an ambulance or go shopping for a black dress.
