Friday, August 26, 2011

Am I Lactose Intolerant?

396545383 When I don't drink milk I can go 2 or 3 days without a bowel movement, but when I do drink milk I have to go every day. Lactose intolerance?


  1. Ridiculous - Possibly.
    Though dairy can make anyone constipated.
    Try lactaid milk(lactose free)milk next time and see if it makes a difference.

  2. glitchman2 - I don't think you are intolerant.

    Symptoms of intolerance:
    Pain or cramps in the lower belly.
    Gurgling or rumbling sounds in the lower belly.
    Loose stools or diarrhea. Sometimes the stools are foamy.
    Throwing up.

    Milk helps with your bones. Mainly the insides of your bones your weight might go down but the insides go way down which always them to break very easily. Also known as osteoporosis. Continue drinking milk because its good for you.

    Your stool will happen when ever your rectum has filled up with what the body doesn't use. If you are going 5-10 times or haven't had a stool in a week I really wouldn't worry about the timing of your stool. It will just happen naturally.

  3. Kc - it doesn't sound like you're lactose intolerant, just in need of some good fiber. I am lactose intolerant and when I drink milk, I literally keel over in pain and have (what i cannot refer to as bowel movements) extreme bathroom sessions. But it isn't only milk that does it. Ice cream, cakes, cookies, anything with milk products in it kill me.

    what are you eating with the milk? anything different from the days you don't drink milk? maybe something with more fiber is in your diet when you drink milk that is causing you to go to the bathroom more?

    If you think you're lactose though, get a pack of lactaid pills. take those and see if you still go to the bathroom more often. maybe that will help you figure it out? Good luck. sincerely hope you're not lactose intolerant! it sucks sometimes!
