Sunday, August 28, 2011

Can You Gain Weight From Fruit?

396545382 I know that fruits and veggies are really healthy, they're full of vitamins and good stuff...
But if i drink too much (100% natural) fruit juice, and eat too much fruits and veggies, will my sugar intake increase, thus making me gain weight? (I'm on a diet) Do you guys have any suggestions on how much fruits and veggies I should eat a day, and some healthy juice/snack choices?



  1. Alieneighty Eight - yeah you can
    but you have to eat A LOT of fruit to gain any weight at all

  2. Adam S - It's simple. No matter what you eat, if your calorie intake is greater than the calories you burn, you gain weight. It doesn't matter what you are eating, everything contains a certain amount of calories.

  3. pascaline - yes u can gain weight
