I'm 13 and my friend is here and we were making a video and needed to make a fake cast. So I said what if you used duct tape. I had done it before for a play at school and nothing happened. So we did that and made the video and everything and finally took the duct tape off. There wasn't anything under it I just put the duct tape right on my arm. We put my arm in water when we took it off so it wouldn't hurt. And at first it was fine but all of a sudden I saw these bumps on my arm. It's like on my wrist and there's a few more up a little bit on the back of my hand but way less. It's a little bit red and doesn't itch or hurt at all. What is this?? I'll put a picture up soon but is it like an allergic reaction or something?? Help!
Joshua - You should be fine. Don't stress yourself out. Take a warm shower and you should feel better.