I continued on the same diet but started walking 3 miles (I walk on the treadmill for an hour at 3 MPH) and then I swim laps for an hour. I did this Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. I had a family emergency come up Thursday so I couldn't go. I did go on Sunday but I just swam for an hour.
Today I weighed in at the same time, wearing the same outfit, on the same scales...at 282 pounds, a whole 20 pounds less than a week ago (this isn't particularly uncommon with Adipex, most people lose 10-15 their first week). I don't see it yet though. I would have thought it was just water weight but I have been on a medication for a month or two that prevents me from retaining water so that can't be it.
I have noticed something though, maybe someone who has lost a good amount of weight can tell me if this is normal. My belly used to be a little firmer before I lost the weight, kinda like a fully inflated balloon. Now, it is just as big as before, but it is more "squishy" like jello or something.
Is this normal after dropping 20 pounds?
ryan - i think that is normal coz after i lost 30lbs my body stop losing weight i run and jogg for 4-5miles tue,wed saturday then i lift weighs mon, thurs , fri then then my weight is still the same.. i checked last 2weeks i was 179 then i checked this morning i am back to 180[i didnt eat dinner yesterday]