I hardly eat any Iron, and when I get up my vision blurrs.My nails are differently shaped then other peoples aswell.Also, today I felt a pain down my foot and then suddenly I couldn't move my middle toe, as it was stuck to the side.Yet when I moved it back it was fine...what could it be?
Gayle G. - There is a chance that you may be but it doesn't sound too serious. I would get a CBC blood test just to take sure. If your nails are spooned shaped, then you might have it. The most common symptoms of Anemia are dizziness, paleness and heart palpitations. This can be treated by taking Iron supplements and also when you eat chicken make sure it's cooked well so you can eat the marrow of the chicken bone, that has a great source of iron in it. But get kosher chicken because their cleaner and carry less diseases.