Saturday, August 20, 2011

How Can A 14 Year Old Loose 20 Pounds In 2 Weeks?

396545382 School starts in a few weeks and i want to look good!


  1. Chloe Chung - if you cut down on your diet, you'll be surprised on how much it helps.
    try swimming , that also really helps

  2. Lord Krishna - No white bread, no sweets and frizzy drinks. Make juice of fruits and vegetables at home and drink it. No sugar. No meat, become vegetarian and you will never have problem with weight, unless you eat refined food that has no proteina and makes one fat. Swimming is great, easy, cheap and enjoyable.

  3. Niko Madsen - its impossible you could loose mabye 7 lbs but you had really wanted to look good you would of started beginning of august.

  4. heartsunderfire - dont eat dinner

  5. FaNcYpAnTs - Drink: water- need it to live
    milk- good for bones and muscles
    other drinks- loaded with calories and mostly not healthy
    So drink the water and milk nothing else as long as your actually trying to diet

    Fruits- all fruits are healthy try to eat fruits more then other foods like chips or snack things

    Vegetables- really healthy try to these a lot too, they make good snacks
    Fact: celery is low in calories, you'll probably burn off the calories while eating it

    Try to eat the food as it is and not adding sugar or salt or butter to anything its just making it hard for you to lose weight

    Salads- I highly recommend eating salads when your trying to lose weight
    Don't add too much salad dressing to the salad

    no more junk foods- try to cut out as much junk foods as possible from your life( this is just temporary don't think its a life thing and then crash your diet completely)
    no chips
    no popcorn
    no candy
    no ice cream
    none of that and any other fating foods
    and DO NOT eat fast foods!!
    Try to eat in as much as possible, restaurants want people to be fat soo what they do is they serve people portions that are almost double the size of what we need..when eating out don't try to finish your meal just because its there

    Exercise- try to exercise as much as possible! If you're currently overweight then it might be harder but try to exercise for 90 minutes a minium everyday!

    Find things you like to do- to exercise take a walk, walk a dog, or ride a bike, do something outside and always try to challenge yourself and make new goals.

    Hope this helped you!
