Friday, August 19, 2011

What Are Some Good Remedies For Acne?



  1. Ajh Poi - If your acne is severe, you should speak to a dermatologist if you have insurance; if you don't, there are a lot of strategies you can try for minimizing acne.

    If you're a girl, you might benefit from taking the pill. It can even out hormones, making hormonal breakouts a thing of the past.

    For both sexes, I recommend getting rid of every hair/body care product you use that contains oil. It doesn't matter if it's jojoba oil, hemp oil, mineral oil, apricot kernel oil; that crap is going to make you break out. And when I say every product, I mean EVERY product. Use oil-free shampoo, conditioner, mousse, face cleanser, toner, lotion, sunscreen, shaving cream, hand lotion. Even if you're not applying the stuff to your face, it will get on your hands, and the oil will find its way to your face.

  2. I love Lucas Cruikshank - well if you live in the uk then go to your GP and ask about epiduo it's a spot cream and it's great I used to have really bad acne and it cleared up after about 3 weeks please add additional information to your question if you don't live in the uk. (I think they have it in the us but just check if your from there)
    P.S you can only get it from your GP (doctor)
