Monday, August 22, 2011

How To Lose 2 Pounds A Day?

396545382 I need to lose 2 pounds a day.
i need a diet / exercise plan.
Honestly start star what did you even say?


  1. Star Star - honeslty dont lose the two pds in a day bc its not healthy and pluse your just going to back 4pds back!

    o wow sorry i should of reread it.
    what i was trying to say is do not lose the two pds in a day bc your just going to gain it back within a week and your going to gain more fattness.
    make healthier chose forget soda and sweetts and go runnin for an hour every day for 7days and your going to lose those two pds the right way! and you wont gain them back!

  2. ctracy - this is what works for me only eat once a day. on monday then again on friday '' the rest of the week
    eat as you always do. and walks for exercise.if you have a store near your home walk not ride to get the small stuff.or walk to a near by friends house.
