Monday, August 22, 2011

Can Someone Make Me A 4 Day Gym Program Please?

396545382 i've been going to the gym for about a month now and just been going on random things. I want a serious 4 day plan that will help me to bulk up as fast as possible! I am serious about this and want a killer workout for my whole body. can anyone suggest which muscle groups to train on which day and what sort of excercises to do? thanks in advance


  1. Bobblychondre - Day 1: Legs

    3 sets Reps 8-10
    Leg Press
    Calf Raises
    Leg Curl

    Day 2: Chest & Triceps

    3 Sets 8-10 Reps
    Bench Press
    Incline Dumbell Press
    Decline Dumbell Press
    Tricep Pushdown
    Tricep Extention

    Day 3: Back & Biceps

    3 Sets 8-10 Reps
    Lat PullDown Front/Pullups
    Lat Pull Down Rear/Chin Ups
    Bent Over Rows/Deadlifts
    Barbell Curl
    Bicep Curl
    Hammer Curl

    Day 4: REST

    Day 5 : Shoulders

    3 Sets 8-10 Reps
    Arnold Press
    Shoulder Press
    Upright Rows
    Behind Shrugs
    Lateral Raises
    Front Raise

    Day 6 & 7: REST

  2. 88s - the best way is to base your program on compound exercises, not isolating muscle groups completely.

    Day 1 - Barbell squats, leg extention, leg press, calf press, hip abductors for inside and outside...aim for absolute maximum weight for 3 sets of 10 reps on each exercise.

    Day 2 - push day - bench press, shoulder press, dips, seated dips..add extra bicept curls with dumbells or an isolation machine. Same sets as day 1

    Day 3 - 45-60 minutes interval training on a cross trainer

    Day 4 rest day

    Day 5 - pull day - deadlifts, bent over row, lat pull down, seated row.

    Day 6 would be interval training again but this would be a 5th day working out so you could skip it and do cardio after weights as long as the weights are done in the sequence I suggest it'll be ok.

    Also, you can add abs and core exercises to these on any day, eg leg raises, crunches, dorsal raises.

  3. Nody - Monday: Quads/Biceps steps Reps
    Quads :
    Squat 4 12,10,8,6
    Hack Squat 4 12,10,8,6
    Dumbbell Step Up 4 12,10,8,6

    Chin Up 4 10
    Prone Dumbbell Incline Curl 3 10 8 6
    Alternating Hammer Curl 3 10 8 6
    Dumbbell step up - step down close to bench to work quads.
    Chins - focus on biceps, not back.

    Tuesday - Chest/Calves:
    Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 12,10,8,6
    Chest Dip 4 10
    Cable Crossover 4 12
    Flat Dumbbell Fly 4 12 10 8 6
    calves :
    Seated Calf Raise 4 10,8,6
    Standing Calf Raise (one leg) 315

    Cable crossovers - nice and slow, squeeze chest at the top of the movement as if you're trying to crush something between your chest muscles
    Wednesday: Rest Day
    Thursday - Hamstrings/Back
    hamstrings :
    Straight Leg Deadlift 4 12,10,8,6
    Leg Curl 4 12

    Underhand Barbell Row 4 12,10,8,6
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown (or, Wide Grip Pullup) 4 10
    One Arm Dumbbell Row 4 10
    Wide Grip Cable Row (overhand grip) 4 12,10,8,6

    Deadlifts - Increase weight on each set

    Friday - Shoulders/Traps/Triceps
    Barbell Shoulder Press 4 12,10,8,6
    Dumbbell Upright Row 4 12,10,8,6
    Prone Reverse Raise 4 12,10,8,6
    Behind-the-back Shrug 4 12,10,8,6

    Bench Dip 4 10
    Lying Triceps Extension 3 10,8,6
    Rope Triceps Extension 3 12,10,8

    Upright row - make arms right angles when you go up, focus on medial delt.
    Rope pulldowns - pull rope apart at the bottom of the movement, don't cheat!
    Saturday and Sunday: Rest Days
