Monday, August 22, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Forehead Spots? (10points)?

396545389 These are some images i found on google, i think they're called acne vulgaris. But mine aren't severe like that, it's becoming more and more when i turn 14 now.

What creams can i use? Are there any natural remedies? Im only 14 btw.

10 POINTS BEST ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And 3 points for any answer because i will thumb up for any helpful answer.


  1. My Name Is... - find any acne cream and wash with sylalic acid, and your good :)

  2. Salar Ali - Hi there.

    I use this procedure:

    1 dab of Proactiv

    _______Wait one day_______

    1 dab of Nuetrogena Acne Cream

    _______Wait one day_______

    1 dab of Neutrogena Oil-Free Wash

    _______Wait one day_______

    1 dab of toothpaste

    _______Wait one day_______

    And done! Presto! Majority (I'd say 80% have vanished)

    -----Repeat as necessary-----

    Hope I helped!

  3. Bored - O.o since when do thumbs give points ? :P

    anyway I have the same problem but I went to shoppers drug mart ( a store here in Canada ) and got some acne skin lotion/face wash and it cleared it up so go to a store that sells things like that and ask for help i you need it :) good luck ! and make sure to use it daily or else it wont work ;) almost any kind of cream works ! so :) <3

  4. Sunny - dont touch them, make sure you wash them twice a day.
    dont put too much moisturiser on or try and hide it.
    you wont get rid of it straight away so dont expect that. it will take weeks for it to go down.
    if you do use make up make sure its mineral stuff. lightly exfoliate your forehead once a week.
    if these acne creams etc dont work, go to the doctor and they can give you a prescription to get rid of it

  5. Spicey - Eat a really healthy diet and give up the fries and McDonalds--give up chocolate and soda pop.

    Wash your face 3X a day.
    Talk to your Mom, or someone who is 18. Over the pharmacy counter (not kept on health and beauty aids shelf) is a solution called Hibcleanse or Hibicleanse. It is a red solution, and is composed mainly of hexachlorophine, It's a surgical scrub, and kills just about every germ/microb on you. I'm 60, and when we were teens, we would use Hexachlorphine on our skin. It was called Physohex, but they banned it so the bugs in the world wouldn't develop resistance to it.

    I had wonderful results with it at about your age, so did my kids with the Hibibleanse. I would use Hibicleanse on their banged up knee scabs, and those wounds would heal in 2-3 days with not much of a scab and no scar. So, you can get it at almost any pharmacy. You have to ask for it directly from the pharmacist. You don't need a prescription. Use it according to ALL directions. Just get a small bottle at first, it's about $7 or more now.
