Saturday, August 20, 2011

Does Cold Water Make You Fat?

396545382 I was watching the news and they something about cold water making you fat. Is that even possible?


  1. Joce Dawson - Not at all. If anything water makes you lose weight.

  2. mr. know it all - Wtf??? They're a bunch of idiots.. No it won't make you fat

  3. severus - If you swim laps daily in a cold water pool, your body will build up a layer of fat for warmth. It doesn't make you fat, but fit, and is for protection. If your question is about drinking cold water, that is an extrapolation of some scientific article which contended that room temperature water is better. There is no definitive research. As long as the water is not soda, then, no, it will not make a person fat.

  4. Rachel - nope, unless you add oil in! xD
