I do feel itchy in between fingers..
Monday, August 29, 2011
You Think This Might Be Scabies?
I do feel itchy in between fingers..
Please Help! My Goose Had A Stroke?
He's 6 monthes old!
And if somebody could please find a goose doctor!
And the vet WONT take him!
Thank you!
Wow Donna your a real heartless person.
Where Can I Talk To Cancer Patients In Anaheim Ca.?
Which Is The Best Hospital In Mumbai?
Is This Normal After Losing 20 Pounds?
I continued on the same diet but started walking 3 miles (I walk on the treadmill for an hour at 3 MPH) and then I swim laps for an hour. I did this Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. I had a family emergency come up Thursday so I couldn't go. I did go on Sunday but I just swam for an hour.
Today I weighed in at the same time, wearing the same outfit, on the same scales...at 282 pounds, a whole 20 pounds less than a week ago (this isn't particularly uncommon with Adipex, most people lose 10-15 their first week). I don't see it yet though. I would have thought it was just water weight but I have been on a medication for a month or two that prevents me from retaining water so that can't be it.
I have noticed something though, maybe someone who has lost a good amount of weight can tell me if this is normal. My belly used to be a little firmer before I lost the weight, kinda like a fully inflated balloon. Now, it is just as big as before, but it is more "squishy" like jello or something.
Is this normal after dropping 20 pounds?
What Can Use To Get My Gap In Front Close?
Changing To A Diabetic Diet When Obese?
Im 14. A What Age Will I Start Getting Acne? ?
Why Is My Husband Having Chest Pains?
What Is Going To Happen To People With Breast Implant Later In The Future?....?
Because sometime you won't have the option to replace it or change your implant and sometime it can explode and you don't have the option to go get it treated and such or re-do them. Stuff can happen in the future that we can't see.
How Do I Get Rid Of Drainage In The Back Of My Throat?
Athlete Trying To Loss Weight?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated:))
How Long Does A Scalded Tongue Take To Heal?
Water Fasting Please Help?
Sunday, August 28, 2011
How To Get Rid Of Strech Marks?
Why Is My Husband Having Chest Pains?
What Is Going To Happen To People With Breast Implant Later In The Future?....?
Because sometime you won't have the option to replace it or change your implant and sometime it can explode and you don't have the option to go get it treated and such or re-do them. Stuff can happen in the future that we can't see.
Am I Having An Allergic Reaction To My Medication?
Can You Gain Weight From Fruit?
But if i drink too much (100% natural) fruit juice, and eat too much fruits and veggies, will my sugar intake increase, thus making me gain weight? (I'm on a diet) Do you guys have any suggestions on how much fruits and veggies I should eat a day, and some healthy juice/snack choices?
Retainer Questions? Will Vote Best Answer?
1) is that normal and will my tongue get used to it or do I need to go back to ortho?
2) if I go back to the ortho, could he make me a hawley retainer for the bottom and just keep my top essix?
3) how long do you normally have to where your retainers 24/7?
Water Fasting Please Help?
Friday, August 26, 2011
Combination, Acne-prone, Pale Skin?
So i have been struggling with acne for about 3 years now. I am going to be 17 years old. I know its puberty but i'm tired of this! I have tried everything from Proactiv to home remedies. My major problem is redness & i have a lot of acne scars too. I get more break outs when its my time of the month. I hate the redness because, like i said, i have pale skin. i know that i should use non-comodogenic & non-oily products but can anyone help. I would like to read your stories. Maybe theres hope. Thanks in advance :)
Cause Of Purple Legs In The Elderly?
I Wear An Spf 50 Sunscreen Will I Still Tan?
Am I Lactose Intolerant?
Is Pilates Effective For Weight Loss If Done Frequently?
What Foods Can I Eat That Are Soft?
Hyperthyroidism Please Look?
Ok I judged asked this and it came up in diabetes so ireposted it
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I Have Oily Skin? ? Please Help ?
My Heart Keeps Skipping Beats, It Feels Extremely Uncomfortable. I Really Need Help, I Don't Know What To Do!!?
I have had my heart checked out, and they said it's very healthy. My sister thinks it's anxiety, but she said that anxiety feels like it's heart problems and that your heart is fine, but no. Just no. I can EASILY tell that my heart is doing something funky, i can feel it. Literally. I don't know idf I should go to the emergency room or make a doctors appointment.. It keeps getting worse though and it's been happening since yesterday.
BTW I need real answers... not go to this site for your answer. tired of that.
If You Eat Cancer, Then Can You Get Cancer?
Im just wondering. Im not going to go crazy and eat humans and cancers.
Peanut Allergy + Cast Iron Pan?
Is the peanut oil going to cause a problem for this person? She tells me she is only slightly allergic but I know allergic people do not always have a mild reaction. If there is any chance that the allergens in peanut oil could still be on the pan, I can just use my calphalon instead.
Any Female's Who Have Built Arm Muscle?
Anyway I've started doing two different bicep exercises and two triceps exercises every day (about 3 sets of 15 for each exercise with 3-5Ibs dumbbells)
Does anyone know about how long it should take before I start to see results?! I know not many people will know but I'm doing this for sports and I need to build my arm muscle quickly so I can do a handstand in gymnastics (I've been running for a long time so my core muscles are pretty good)
Thanks in advance if anyone answers haha
What Colours Are Good For Braces?
+if my ortho have glow in the dark i mite get them for halloweenXD(but what date is halloween?)
thanks everyone who commented:)
oh and my braces are free so i dont think i get clear
i no halloweens october just didnt no the date:)
Hyperthyroidism Please Look?
Ok I judged asked this and it came up in diabetes so ireposted it
I Have This Problem In My Upper Back, Please Help Me Figure Out What It Is?
Anesthesia Fail During Operation?
And patient being aware of everything including pain?
i am sorry for posting this here, i couldn't find another category.
Shivering Now Runny Nose?
I cant swallow pills cause I gag andi can drink the syrup or w/e but hate the taste.
I Feel Fat, My Family Says I Am Fat?
Questions About Dental Braces?
and now, im 18...
last May, i got my braces, and the dentist extracted two molars in my lower teeth.. so, in total, 3 teeth was removed..
so,how come could the dentist allign my bite yet supposedly 4 teeth must get extracted to be equal
for now, the doctor said, that, in the first 4months, he will focus on my crooked teeth..
My question is, Will the doctor Extract ONE TOOTH to make it 4?
My case is that
upper ---- 1 tooth
lower --- 2
so in total 3?
anyway, just ignore my grammar ,just in case :)
How Can You Improve Circulation In Legs?
Thank you
Is It Pure Collagen Really Work For Health ?
How Long Does The Affect Of Sodium To Leave Your System To Lower Blood Pressure?
Normally it is well controlled, but on some days we do indulge in fast foods
maybe 1 to 3 times a day. this is obvious when we take our blood pressure
and find it high that day. So how long does it take to get OUT of our systems
to return out blood pressures back to normal...
How Do I Cure A Blocked Nose?
How Long Do Dental Hygienists Have To Go To School?
1. Would I go straight to a dental hygiene school right after high school?
2. If so how long would I have to attend?
3. And are dental hygiene schools and medical schools different? Or are they basically the same type of thing?
4. Does anyone have any good websites I could go on to learn more about the career and different dental hygienists schools?
I Have A Pimple On My Nipple?
My nipple has been hurting for about 2 weeks but i just noticed the pimple today, and I am not pregnant, have not had any kids either.
Is there anything I can/should do?
I have been with one man for over 4 years i hope its not herpes.
Am I Iron Deficiancy Anemic?
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