Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Son Said Hes So Fatt And Ugly He Wants To Commit Suicide He Keeps Asking Me And My Wife How He Can Look ?

396545382 Sexy I keep telling him he looks fine and to ignore them and stop thinking that way and after a month he finnaly told me every girl he asks out they say no ugly or no fattass and idk what to do anymore please help this is serious


  1. Gandalf - Those girls are bitches.

  2. Joe - introduce him to weed. he will enjoy life after that

  3. Michelle - help him to lose weight the natural way with a trainer or something...that will help his self-esteem...and I'm a girl. I would never, ever say that to any guy that wasn't a COMPLETE asshole or pig to me. If he is a nice kid just asking someone out, I can't see anyone being that mean. I guess there are some exceptions, but that is rare unless he is being extremely rude or disgusting. ....For the weight thing, show him that there is hope and help him to eat healthy and exercise (like I said...trainer?). It seems terrible that I'm saying to change to get a date, but you have expressed that your son feels depressed about his weight. This would definitely help his self-esteem. Also, if he wants to commit suicide, he might be clinically depressed or bipolar. There are pills that help this. My best friend was clinically depressed, and now she is totally fine. Take him to a doctor or psychiatrist if you think this could help. Good luck

  4. Anaizabel Uribe - wow.....idk what kind of girls your son is attracted to but they don't have enough class to be wanted by your son.
    You need to remind him how lucky he is to be healthy with no disabilities and looking the way he does. If that doesn't work I would go with what he wants to hear. Advice on how to look sexy. Maybe you can encourage him to eat healthier or excersice a few times a week. Shaping up will build his confidence.

  5. Mdll200 - Have him see a therapist. Keep encouraging him and whatnot tell him he's not alone that he has a purpose in this world. Talk to a youth pastor if not talk to someone about this that can help your son out. There's a lot of resources and help out there!!

  6. samantha - What your saying is true. He's fine. All I can think that can help at a young age is get him a gym membership. Or someone to help him loose weight. It will make him feel better physically and mentally. But at his age girls ate cruel if he doesn't change the only thing that can help is time. Maybe get a him a puppy that he has to train and he can run with it and take it for walks. He's asking you for help that's very rare. I think the best thing you can do is get him a a trainer.and take him. Its what he's asking for. Good luck. Oh and ask him if he's looking for inner beauty in the girls he asks or just outer because if he's doing what other people are... its a vicious cycle because his " friends " wouldn't call him ugly

  7. REBBBBBEL - He needs confidence for girls to like him. BUt, honestly, unless your son is a complete jerk, i couldn't see any girl, no matter how bitchy, saying something like that. If thats the case though, and he is THAT ugly/fat, offer to workout with him, start a "competition" and maybe a haircut or something. If he has acne, get acne medicine. Or, if he's not that ugly, he may just need a therapist

  8. Dstreet5 - First of all I would see his counselor at school and tell him/her what these girls are doing to him. And second don't tell him to ignore it. That is the last thing that you should do. Trust me I was bullied for an entire year (being called gay, fag, etc. But I'm not gay) I didn't do anything about it causing me to miss an entire week of school cause I was sick. For your son's sake I hope that this hasn't been going on for very long. Cause if it has without any resolution to any of this, he will probably get pretty sick. And for the girls, screw them. They don't know what they are missing out on. Trust me I've asked out five girls in one school year (getting rejected every time), but I just had to tell myself that the right girl is out there for me. That she will love me for me and not for someone I'm not. And like the saying goes, "a girl's rejection, is god's protection." So I hope that this thing gets better. And tell him not to worry about anything, cause that was my big problem. I hope this helps. And be sure to notify, contact, or have a meeting with his counselor cause they will help soooooo much. They will understand and also try to resolve this problem once and for all. Again I hope this helps.

  9. Jenna - Kay well first of all tell your son those girls are bitches. Even if the girls are "popular" I'd still not right nice or normal.. Ive been considered popular since I was 12 in grade 7, and now I'm 17 and in grade 12 and still extremely popular. Like seriously if the girls are models they still shouldn't say that. I've been a site model since I was 14 and reccently quit for reasons that aren't important and I still would never sAy that to a guy. If he's suicidal or something maybe try counciling or therapy of some kind. Get him to join a club, or a sports team. Get him more involved . Hey maybe get him to try football? Or hockey? You don't have to be good to be on a team, you just have to try . If he joined a team he'd probably make more friends and become more confident. Plus if he is "over weight" or on the "cubbier" side might keep him more occupied and he might not eat as much junk as he might usually. But like remember to never deprive him of food or anything. Maybe just stop buying as many chips and buy some crackers instead lol. Or you know this is gonna sound really odd.. But puffs baby food.. Their like ..IDK BUT THEIR SO DAMN GOOD HAHA. and healthy ;) . Maybe take him to the gym if hes comfortable with it ? Or maybe buy him some weights. If you can afford it a nutrisonist would be helpful if he wanted to do something like that (: just remind him that no matter size or shape, models, cheerleaders, dancers, athletes are all full of it and they all started somewhere . So he just has to have his beginning (:
    Oh and ps. If he drinks remind him that... Beer before liquor your even sicker, liquor before beer your in the clear ;) cause you don't wanna beer belly do you? Haha
    Well I wish him luck ! :Da

  10. Vanessa - Your son definitely is going to need support. Having a partner either yourself or a trainer to help him reach his goals will totally give him confidence. He needs to learn that looking "sexy" isn't what it's about. HE needs to feel comfortable with who he is. Try an excercise routine, counseling and a natural weightloss plan.
