But i researched on the internet and learnt i don't have to remove it if i don't suffer serious symptoms. The only symptom I have is a heavy period, nothing else.
And...why do people keep saying obesity/weight gain is possibly one of the causes of fibroids?
I'm underweight at 5'5 and 49kg, 30 yrs and I still have it.
So, Do I need to remove it?
I really don't feel any pain whatsoever even during my period or during sex?
I don't have any intention of having kids because I hope to adopt a child soon, this has nothing to do with the fibroids though
And, is it true it will disappear during/after menopause?
thanks all
? - If menses is regulated, all the problems cited may get vanished automatically.
1. Every young girl/spinster/woman must know the significance of Menses cycles, regularity of maintenance with the aid of acupressure techniques & to maintain ‘the best of woman’s health’ for life.
Menses------- is nothing but the God's Special gift given to the female. It is one of the routes of excretion of toxins, pus cells, bad blood, bacteria, viruses, hormonal discharges, etc.
So long as a female passes through regular menses right from puberty to menopause, she will be well balanced, pretty with natural and healthy glow, good moods of love and affection, excellent immunity/disease resistance power, excellent growth in height up to 21st birthday, etc.
Irregular periods/heavy periods may be an offshoot of hormonal imbalance, psychological disturbances, indiscriminate consumption of birth control pills, steroids for other causes like allergy, thyroid problems, asthma/bronchitis, etc.
By and large, the menses cycle ranges from 3 weeks to 5 weeks as and when it is regular. In certain ladies, it is not regular. It can be regulated just in 5 days.
3. Acupressure & Natural Remedies may solve Ur problem of irregular Menses.
Utility—Blocked energy + toxins shall be moved from all Ur internal organs to purge in the normal drainage system, i.e., urine, feces, sweat, cough, menses[ladies], vomiting and all the organs shall function upto optimal levels.
With ur thumb, press ur/his/her palms and soles, wrists and ankles on both sides. Suppose pain is felt while pressing a particular point in the palm/sole, u have to press the surrounding area—just like u r pumping out air from that painful point. The blocked energy in any internal organ, be it lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys, pancreas, liver, etc., shall be released along with toxins if any. As a last point u must press middle part of each palm/sole; so that toxins, if any, shall be excreted through urine without affecting the kidneys.
It should be done in an empty stomach or 2 hours after meals. With this, all the endocrine glands and their hormonal secretions shall be regulated. All internal organs shall function up to optimal levels. Ur entire immune system gets invigorated to produce antibodies.
PS. If satisfied/benefited with, inform others to join ‘Yahoo Answers’ on any health problem.
Source: ‘HEALTH IN UR HANDS’ by Dr.Devendra Vora, D.Sc.,M.D.,F.R.C.P.,---an octogenarian & the pioneer in Acupressure in India.
thinkingtime - They shrink right down at menopause. Otherwise, fibroids have no effect.
ReplyDeleteQ - The reason people keep saying obesity/weight gain is possibly one of the causes of fibroids is... because it is possibly one of the causes of fibroids. It's not the cause of your fibroid, though, which is why it's only a *possible* cause, not *the cause of every single fibroid ever found*. Yours is likely due more to genetics or to hormone imbalance.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to do anything about it but your bleeding might get worse and the fibroid will grow and probably cause even worse bleeding and perhaps your abdomen will swell, which is no fun. You might want to explore the possibility of having uterine artery embolization (UAE). It's a pretty non-invasive way to shrink a fibroid. It involves blocking the artery that supplies blood to the fibroid, so it gets starved out. They just insert a needle into your artery while under anesthesia, so it's only the most minor of surgeries. It's been around for awhile, though small hospitals probably haven't had much experience with it, so you're better off going to a larger hospital or a teaching hospital. Better do it now rather than after it gets big. You have 20 years to go before menopause, perhaps, so it could grow quite big in the meantime. You can always just ask the doc about the procedure and then make up your mind later. You could also see about going on birth control pills to control the bleeding.
Dini - In most women fibroids disappear on its own with the onset of menopause. This is because estrogen dominance which is the main reason for fibroids in most women gets corrected automatically after menopause.
ReplyDeleteObese women are at a greater risk of getting fibroids because the hormone estrogen primary responsible for fibroid growth gets stored in the fat cells of the body.
Although your uterine fibroid symptoms are not severe it is advisable to get routine check ups done to ensure that the uterine fibroids are not growing in size or numbers.
Making use of natural uterine fibroid treatment methods are also very useful to heal fibroids.