so i just started getting bumbpy lips, ive always hap lip problems, it started when i was using this new chap stick that is strawberry.... is that why it is red bumbpy and itchy. & Is it herpes, because ive NEVER kissed anyone apart from my mum. But i think its the Chap stcikk because it only started when i started using it. How do i get rid of it fast because i have school and its noticable!! HELP PLEASE. thankyooouu!!
Ps the feeling -
- Bumpy
- Itchy
- all around my lips
- Red
- Scaley / Rough
AJ A - first of all STOP USING IT... you might be sensitive to the materials in the products "allergic reaction" i would recommend using organic makeup. dont pick at it and you should b fine. and who cares if you hve bumpy lips for a couple of days you can take some antibiotics to help with those symptoms
ReplyDeleteLucy - allergic to stuff in chapstick. put some anti-itch stuff on it.
ReplyDeleteBelieving for Something Better - It might be eczema. I had something similar happen to me months ago and did some online research and concluded it was eczema. The only difference is I wasn't using any lip balms, it just appeared there and kind of got worse with time. The only thing that got rid of it was applying Vaseline petroleum jelly over the affected areas. But you can't just apply it once and forget it. You must have a decent amount of jelly over the affected area at all times. If you eat, drink, brush your teeth or accidentally rub it off reapply it immediately. It'll probably be a lot better or cured in the morning. You should also discontinue the use of the Chapstick lip balm of course.
ReplyDeleteLeanne - I have that as well.
ReplyDeleteWhen it happened to me, I stopped using fancy lip balms and switched to a normal, plain Vaseline tub.
So first of all, STOP USING CHAPSTICK!
-You may have an allergical reaction which makes your skin red and bumpy.
Change lip balms ASAP!
-If you keep on using Chapstick lipbalm, the redness will never disappear.
Put on some moisteriser
-Moisteriser prevents the upper and lower lips from getting dry skin. (only apply if dry skin has appeared)
- It may sting, but bear with it.
OPTIONAL: Go to the doctors:
-If you want, ask for a blood test to check your allergies.
-Prescribe some medicine