I was diagnosed with a pancreatic cyst just about a week ago. I had been having a lot of back pain and horrible constipaion alond with stomach pain. I have been doing research and all these symptoms arent good with a pancreatic cyst. The dr. says I have to wait for 6 months for a biopsy and another CT scan. Its because of insurance reasons I guess. Has anyone ever had a cyst on their pancreas with these symptoms? and if so what was the outcome for you? im getting pretty worried about it.
Mr. Peachy® - I would be worried too. If the insurance is the problem, I would recommend either paying for the biopsy myself, or calling my insurance rep and persuading them to get it done now so that they might save more in treatments down the road.
ReplyDeletefroggy - go to another docter or to the er my brotherinlaw has all of the above and more it will get worse seek attention now they have been draining it