Monday, October 24, 2011

How Long Until I Get Used To My Braces?

396545381 I just got my braces on today and they hurt so bad!!! I was wondering if there was a way to get them to stop hurting and how long is it going to take for them to stop hurting?


  1. Erika - A week. Tops! It might feel weird and hurt a for a little, but then in no time it will feel like they aren't even there!

  2. ihateyou[real] - I know how you feel. :( It took me three weeks to get use to them when I first got them. And by use to I mean the cutting from your braces is a normal thing. You can eat with them and etc. You will have pain for about a week. It sucks balls. But all you can do is keep on popping pain killers although it didn't help me at all. And eat soft foods. You can eat ice cream since it helps some people. I drank tea a lot cause the warmness would sooth my pain. Don't eat anything hard obviously cause you're just asking for pain.

  3. NicoleH - just take aspirin, unfortunately this will last from 5-7 days! good luck!

  4. CHEERLEADER - It takes a couple weeks, for some even months! But I've had them on for 2 1/2 years and I don't notice them at all now.
