Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What Is The Best Way For A 13 Year Old To Lose Weight?

396545382 weight, 13 year old ? lose best way
I'm 5'5, and weigh 125


  1. F P - How tall and your weight please so we can help

  2. Mary - Eat healthy and excercise daily. The best exercise is known to be walking and you should walk at least 30 minutes a day. By the way, at your age don't really try to lose weight your still growing. When you grow taller, the weight might just go up. Still, try to eat healthy.
    Good luck.

  3. Lost - Eat healthy. Use common sense: Fruits, vegetables, No sugary foods, no soda, and just tell your parents to buy healthy food because you want to lose weight, they'll understand.

    Exercise: Jog 1/2 a mile or a mile. Build it up as your body gets used to it. Play a sport outside with your friends or simply join a sport. Push-ups, sit-ups, Jump ropes are great.

  4. Cutie Kat - Girl: run, it worked for me
    Boy: I'd say football or something.
    Set a goul, Hotty McHotty or Sexxy chick (or your own personal goul :)) and try for. I use to come home everyday from school a run 1 or 2 miles or go to a trainer my mom payed for (not recommend unless you have enough money. It was very expensive and it's still money we could of used) and now I'm a cheer leader this year and better then alot if the girls who beat me on the team last year. Eat healthy, find how much a person with your age and Hight should weigh and aime for it. Good luck!

  5. Enigmatic - Eat right, and exercise and you'll see the pounds shed off. Instead of pancakes and sausage for breakfast try whole grain cereal and fruit. For lunch instead of a burger and fries try a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread and yogurt. For dinner instead of pizza, try veggies with a side of white meat and a baked potato. These are some examples for you to get an idea. Walking 30 minutes a day is simple and a good way to burn calories. Good Luck with the diet! I'm 13 too, and trying to lose weight. Hope this Helps!
