Hello. I am 20 and on the oct 15. I had sex. Next morning I noticed red dots and itchy on my pubic area monday I noticed red dots on head under foreskin. Doesn't itch or anything. I asked the girl I had sex with once I noticed these if she had any stds. She said no she is allergic to metal and she wore a metal belt? Could this be the reason? I did wear a condom.
Dr. Mrs the Monarch - It's possible that you have an allergy to either the lubricant or materials used in the condom. Even if it was latex-free there's still stuff to have reactions to. (Fun thought, huh?) As far as your girl goes, there's no way that her allergies would rub off on you.
ReplyDeleteJust in case, I recommend that you go to a doctor for an STD check and an allergy test. Either way you'll be able to get the treatment you need.
BTW, not all STDs are immediately visible. Sometimes someone can carry them and never show symptoms, yet their partner will show them once they catch them. Also, not all STDs are stopped by condom usage. You should also be aware that not everyone is going to admit to having an STD, so this is something to be aware of, especially if one or both of you is not monogamous. I know, I know... I sound like Captain Buzzkill, but this is stuff that you really need to know.