-if you had a blood test that said you were likely to develop breast cancer (due to a faulty BRCA1 gene) would you get your breasts removed? why/why not?
-would you get a blood test testing for a genetic predisposition to breast cancer? why/why not?
- should the government pay for genetic screening tests like the presymptomatic diagnosis of breast cancer using the BRCA1 gene?
farah s - - Lie down and place your right arm behind your head. The exam is done while lying down, not standing up. This is because when lying down the breast tissue spreads evenly over the chest wall and is as thin as possible, making it much easier to feel all the breast tissue.
ReplyDelete- Use the finger pads of the 3 middle fingers on your left hand to feel for lumps in the right breast. Use overlapping dime-sized circular motions of the finger pads to feel the breast tissue.
- Use 3 different levels of pressure to feel all the breast tissue. Light pressure is needed to feel the tissue closest to the skin; medium pressure to feel a little deeper; and firm pressure to feel the tissue closest to the chest and ribs. It is normal to feel a firm ridge in the lower curve of each breast, but you should tell your doctor if you feel anything else out of the ordinary. If you're not sure how hard to press, talk with your doctor or nurse. Use each pressure level to feel the breast tissue before moving on to the next spot.
- Move around the breast in an up and down pattern starting at an imaginary line drawn straight down your side from the underarm and moving across the breast to the middle of the chest bone (sternum or breastbone). Be sure to check the entire breast area going down until you feel only ribs and up to the neck or collar bone (clavicle).
There is some evidence to suggest that the up-and-down pattern (sometimes called the vertical pattern) is the most effective pattern for covering the entire breast, without missing any breast tissue.
Repeat the exam on your left breast, putting your left arm behind your head and using the finger pads of your right hand to do the exam.
While standing in front of a mirror with your hands pressing firmly down on your hips, look at your breasts for any changes of size, shape, contour, or dimpling, or redness or scaliness of the nipple or breast skin. (The pressing down on the hips position contracts the chest wall muscles and enhances any breast changes.)
Examine each underarm while sitting up or standing and with your arm only slightly raised so you can easily feel in this area. Raising your arm straight up tightens the tissue in this area and makes it harder to examine.
This procedure for doing breast self exam is different from previous recommendations. These changes represent an extensive review of the medical literature and input from an expert advisory group. There is evidence that this position (lying down), the area felt, pattern of coverage of the breast, and use of different amounts of pressure increase a woman's ability to find abnormal areas.
Noid(ea) - Hypothetically I would have a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy if I carried the faulty BRCA1 gene and if I had a strong family history of breast cancer. Why? Because I had a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction and I know that it's really not that bad.
ReplyDeleteHypothetically I would only get a blood test if I had a strong family history of breast cancer.
Medicare pays for mammogram screenings for all Australian women over 40, which is enough in my opinion. I think the cost of a genetic screening program would be prohibitive.
Tarkarri - No, even after a double mastectomty if a single cell is left behind you can still get breast cacner and even withthe BRCA1 gene you can stll not get breast caner. I personally believe it is an extreme reaction.
ReplyDeleteNo, because the results would not effect my behaviour in any way. (BTW, I participated in the tests where the gene was identified and I do have it)
I believe that this testing should be available after appropriate councelling for those who are at risk. This is actually a small percentage of the population.
Rajinder - There are lots of common diseases which do not have may cure till date inspite of progress made by science. I am getting success with most of the common diseases with
ReplyDeletethe following.
Give up water and all other liquids for 24 hours. To avoid dehydration keep indoors.
On other days drink 1 glass of water 1 hour before each meal. The total water intake on these days should not be more than 3 glasses.
The reason and logic for the above in short is as under -
The cells of the human body are at the lowest level which produces energy. To produce energy cells burn glucose in presence of oxygen.
When there is more water in the cell then the energy producing capacity of the cell is significantly reduced. Reduced energy by the cells cause build up of water
outside the cells as well.
Continued less burning of glucose also causes accumulation of other items in the cell. That causes the cells to swell up.
This does not happen overnight.
There are various checks in the body to avoid build up of water in the cells. Like whenever there is change in temperature the body adjusts the amount of water that
cells carry. When this adjustments fails due to some reason the body tries various modes to get rid of the excess water - sinus, cold and cough, adrelin levels, water
reduction thru increased urine etc.
There are certain other complications that happen due to build up of excess water in the cells. One is build up of bacteria and infections in the body.
These bacteria or infections cause the increase in the body temperature. The increased temperature takes care of the situation.
What is the reason for cancer. Same. There are tumours in all kind of cancers. The tumours are caused due to cells not dieing. The reason for cells not dieing is cells
not producing enough energy and that prolongs their life cycle.
What is the cure for cancer. The cure for cancer and all other common ailments is same. I found that sinus, cold, cough, IBS, skin blood clots, slip disk, dry skin,
IBS, mouth ulcers etc can be cured effectively by giving up water and all other liquids for 24 hours to 48 hours. This has been tested on more than 50 persons so far.
Thru Yahoo Answers this same been tested on more than 100 people but I do not have conclusive proof of this. The cerainity with which relief is produced in 24 hours
gives enough hope for cancer cure.
Now what happens when there is excess water in the cells. That causes build up of excess water outside the cells. That causes pain in the entire body due to constant
excess weight on the cells. That also causes the inefections to build up. The antibodies causes the increase in body temperature.
For cancer patients I have no prior experience. Giving up water may cause muscles to break down. So one may start with 12 to 15 hours water fast.
Increase the water fast to 24 or more hours as one feels comfortable. Thirst is not any signal of dehydration. Staying in bed and water fasting every 4-5 days could
cure a person completely.