Ok I havent been sick in a long Long Time.'' Ok i have Lymph Nodes ..i think im not sick and some people were saying it moves o-o my doesnt move... >!< i think. My ''lymph node Hurts Really bad i put a pillow under it to stay Somewhat of comfortable didnt work its been there for 3 days The discs i think they're called hurt right under it It's Pretty Big you know where the last line is on your fingers its about that big. I Never Had ''Lymph Nodes'' before but it hurts And then There's A small one Growing about not even a finger away O_o im pretty scared. my Dad Doesnt Even Know What it is He Put His Fingers on it and said ''Wow.'' Thats it. =w= i looked up other things on the internet it said just to use a warm heating pad Well We have None. Nor A medical Card Till A month What Should i do...? Also Could It Be due To stress Cause I've Been Having Alot.. ~.~ I really need Some Direction In all of this Because i went to school and im like as a joke ''It Might Be a tumor.'' But im starting to think what if it was so This Is what got me here.
I thought i was growing another one Even BIGGER. and I went to the nurse's office cause i felt like i was going to cry. She said I Have Alot of them o-o ....... Idk I Havent Been Sick So what Infection or sickness? -w- thats not a good answer!
Tarkarri - Everyone has lymph nodes, they are a part of the immune system.
ReplyDeleteSwollen lymph nodes are generally a sign that your body is fighting some sort of illness or infection.
This could be the common cold or other virus, allergies, acne, gum disease or a million other things.
If it is causing pain, you should get it checked by a Dr.
tod m - problems from diabetes? Avoid sugar. Get tested.