Monday, October 24, 2011

If I Were To Put Baby Powder In Between My Fat Rolls, Would It Prevent Me Sweating There?

396545389 i'm tired of sweatin and stinkin between my fat rolls and i was hoping that baby powder would prevent me from sweatin so much. deodorant just aint be enough


  1. Bob Johnson - it might help..but losing weight would help more.

  2. Truth Angel - It would not prevent you from sweating, since that is a function of skin, trying to cool you down. Baby powder helps keep skin dry by absorbing sweat. To reduce perspiration, wear lighter clothing and stay out of sun.

  3. ChemoAngel - Cornstarch is better....

  4. ? - Well, sweat is caused by the increase in body temperature. The increase sends signals to the brain which, in turn, send signals to the body's eccrine an appocrine glands (The eccrine being all over the body while appocrine is specifically the genitalia area and under the arm pit). These glands then produce sweat to cool the body. But, the sweat is not what causes the smell. It's caused by bacteria in the area mixed with the sweat. Keeping the body as clean as possible is a good way to reduce smell.

    Baby power would probably help to stop sweat to a certain extent, but I can't say for sure how effective it would be. I'm no expert, I'm only 17. Quite frankly, losing the weight is the best solution in terms of the long run. Easier said than done, I know. But, the results would solve many problems like this or ones related.

  5. honors math - Baby powder may help your sweating not be so noticable, but it wont prevent sweating between your rolls. I recomend that you just exercise, or constantily carry a rag. So loosing weight would be the best unless you wanted clumps of baby powder which formed when it came in contact with your sweat.
