I have been struggling for months now with narrow looking shoulders. My torso is, in my opinion, abnormally large compared to the wideness of my shoulders. I do side lateral raises, military presses, and bent over rows. I don't see much different in the wideness of my shoulders. I am aware that the actualy bones can't extend, but I've tried everything! And another thing is when I wear shirts, the area around the shoulder isn't filled in. I don't know if that makes sense. The rest of my shirt is tight on my body except the shoulders because they're so narrow compared to my chest. What should i do???
And by the way, I have a bit of a hunched shoulder problem. I'm in the process of fixing them through better posture control and some exercises/stretches. Do you think my shoulders wil appear a little wider once they're less hunched? I can't wear hoodies and jackets because it looks so weird on me. HELP
Alejandro Iglesias - work out